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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mooncakes Part2- The making of the cake

This is the follow-up of the previous recipe for the mooncake crust, now the fun part... ...

Here updated is the recipe for making the fillings

Traditional Mooncake

Roll a piece of dough into a ball. Roll out on a lightly

floured board to make a 4-inch circle about

1/8-inch thick.

Place 1 tablespoon of appropriate filling.incenter of dough circle. Fold in sides of dough to completely enclose filling; press edges to seal.

Lightly flour inside of moon cake press with 2-1/2 inch diameter cups. Place moon cake, seam side up, in mold; flatten dough to conform to shape of mold. Bang one end of mold lightly on work surface to dislodge moon cake.

Place cake on ungreased baking sheet. Repeat to shape remaining cakes.

Brush tops with egg yolk.

Bake in a preheated 375 degree F. oven for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Transfer to a rack and let cool.

Snow Skin Mooncake:

Enclose each piece of snowskin with the appropriate filling.

Press firmly into moon cake moulds. Unmould and serve. (If desired, store in refrigerator)

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